Signing Day

Congratulations on your acceptance to the Cougar Marching Band!
Below you will find files for the Cougar Band Signing Day kit: digital backdrop, pennant, and display sign. You're invited, but not obligated, to use these files to set-up your own custom signing day display. Feel free to decorate your table with high school marching band and BYU memorabilia, add balloons and/or include family members and friends!
After setting up your table, take a picture and 10 second video of you signing your Certificate of Intent (attached to your acceptance email), upload it to your Instagram stories or Facebook account, and tag @BYUMarchingBand.
In addition to a signing day picture, please complete the acceptance form at the bottom of this page. This form is an acknowledgement that you are committed to participating the Cougar Marching Band. Scholarship information and a formal commitment will be emailed in the next few weeks.
Again, welcome to the Cougar Band! We look forward to you being a part of the best marching season ever!