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Cougar Marching Band
Rocky Mountain Invitational
Pass In Review Concert: The Loudest Concert on Campus!
Rocky Mountain Invitational
Pass In Review Concert: The Loudest Concert on Campus!
Directors & Staff
Bowl Games
Directors & Staff
Bowl Games
Rocky Mountain Final Information Form
Band Final Information Form
High School
City, State
Name of Band
Band Size
Competition Class
Competition Class
1A (45 members or less)
2A (46-63 members)
3A (64-89 members)
4A (90-126 members)
5A (127 members or more)
Band Logo
Please upload a copy of your band's logo for Program use.
Please check all that apply
*(Please note that bands who choose to do an on field warm-up must fit it into their allotted performance time.)
**(Please note that BYU and BYU Bands is not able to provide extension cords or other equipment)
My band will arrive early to watch other bands perform.
I will be using the tent area to feed my band.
*My band needs an on field warm-up.
**My band needs power for electronic equipment.
My band will stay after our performance to watch other bands perform.
None of these apply to my band.
Will the band director ride with the band or in his/her own private vehicle?
**The West Stadium Parking Lot is for buses and equipment vehicles only. Any private vehicles for the band director will be required to park in the spectator parking lots. Traveling on the bus with the band is encouraged.**
The band director will ride with the band on the bus
The band director will drive to the event in a private vehicle
Equipment Vehicles
Please indicate the number of vehicles your band will be bringing.
Van (for equipment)
SUV (for equipment)
Pickup Truck (for equipment)
Cargo Trailer (under 14 ft.)
Semi/Tractor Trailer (over 14 ft.)
Drum Majors
Color Guard Captain(s)
Post-Show/For Program
Instructional Staff
Special Thanks to:
Copyright & Personal Rights Release Acknowledgement
I understand that by participating in the Rocky Mountain Invitational Marching Competition in association with BYU Cougar Marching Band, my Music Organization will be expected to participate in musical activities, rehearsals and performances (“Musical Performances”) and that those Musical Performances may be recorded (in any form) and saved for archival, promotional, YouTube display, and other commercial purposes, and may be shown and heard worldwide. I hereby give my permission to the Rocky Mountain Invitational Marching Competition and BYU Cougar Marching Band, their management, affiliates, related organizations, successors and assigns, and any person acting under their authority (“Music Program”), to record, publish, distribute, broadcast, televise, promote, license, copy, post to YouTube, sell and copyright, for educational, promotional and commercial purposes, any photograph, videotape, filmstrip, motion picture, CD, DVD, audio or video streaming, digital recording, broadcast (over any medium including but not limited to the Internet), or sound recording produced worldwide in relation to the Music Program or under its sponsorship, which may include the image or likeness or voice of any person in my Music Organization (“Captured Musical Performances”) without any additional compensation directly to me or my Music Organization. I waive all rights on behalf of me and my Music Organization, including but not limited to copyright rights and personal image and performance rights and rights to review prior to use, which I or my Music Organization may have in the Captured Musical Performances. I hereby represent and warrant that I am authorized to sign this Agreement, and that I have obtained personal rights releases for all participants in my Music Organization who will appear in Captured Musical Performances to allow for worldwide display of the Captured Musical Performances without further obligation to any of the participants. I give the Music Program permission to use the Captured Musical Performances with or without my name, the name of my Music Organization, or the names of any participants from my Music Organization appearing in the Captured Musical Performances, with or without changes or additions or deletions to the Captured Musical Performances and without any additional permission required. I hereby release, indemnify and hold the Music Program harmless without limitation from any claims, demands or causes of action which I or my Music Organization may now have or obtain in the future, or which any participant in my Music Organization may have or obtain in the future in relation to the Captured Musical Performances including, but not limited to, any and all claims for invasion of privacy in regard to the production, distribution, public display, sale and/or use of the Captured Musical Performances. I acknowledge that the Music Program is obtaining this Assignment and Release in order to conform to U.S. and international copyright laws and international copyright treaties and conventions. I understand that without this authorization and personal rights release, my Music Organization’s Musical Performances will not be recorded or be made available for display on YouTube by the Music Program.
By typing your name below you are agreeing to the release form above.
Full Payment
Final information and payment must be submitted before September 1st, 2023 in order to be accepted and fully registered for the Rocky Mountain Invitational. Failure to submit information sheet and full payment by September 1st, 2023 will result in the loss of your deposit and the forfeit of your place in the competition.
By typing your name below you are acknowledging you have read the policies regarding payment above.