About - Cougar Marching Band Skip to main content


A Long Legacy

For over a century the Cougar Marching Band, an essential part of the tradition and atmosphere of BYU athletics, has captivated audiences with the excitement and pageantry of spectacular pre-game and halftime performances they bring to LaVell Edwards Stadium and through national TV performances. Consisting of 225 dedicated musicians from all over the United States and the world, the Cougar Band takes its nickname from the Wasatch mountain range, a stretch of the Rocky Mountains passing through Provo and providing the beautiful backdrop for BYU’s campus.

The 225-member band consists of approximately 175 woodwinds and brass, 25 percussionists, and 30 color guard members who add extra color and pizzazz to the formations on the field. The band members represent 34 states as well as majors across campus, with about 20% being music majors.

The marching season begins with a rigorous week-long band camp, or “Sweat Week,” as it is traditionally called, the week before school begins. Band members fly in from all over the U.S. and Canada to participate. During this intense week, the group begins at 8:00 a.m. and continues until 10:00 p.m. rehearsing in the west stadium parking lot and the Cougar Marching Band Hall. The results of these 14-hour days include sun-burnt bodies, chapped lips, and 225 new friends. During this time, members learn basic marching techniques, memorize music to the pre-game and first halftime shows, and then learn the drill to the actual shows, all in preparation for the first home game performance.

During regular football season, the band meets 3 days a week from 4:10-6:00 p.m. through all the wind, rain, heat, and snow. One can usually hear the phrase, “I love band!” particularly on those extreme-weather days. The band can be seen at every home game and travels with the team to in-state games and occasionally to places like Las Vegas, Phoenix and Los Angeles. Also, the band generally performs at a post-season bowl game, a tradition that is expected to continue with the excellence of BYU Football.

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Directors & Staff

The band is lead by several talented directors and supported by hardworking staff


The band has grown and developed over the years through the contributions of many, especially it's directors.

Bowl Games

The band accompanies the football team to most bowl games.