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For over a hundred years, the BYU Cougar Marching Band has supported the university and its football team. Its ensemble of over 225 dedicated musicians from all over the country entertain and energize thousands of Cougar fans at every home football game. The band seeks to help others come unto Christ through inspirational music and exemplary conduct.


What do I do if I am planning on serving a mission or have served a mission?

January 27, 2025 03:32 PM
Students who are preparing to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints before attending their first semester at BYU are invited to complete the audition process now while your playing abilities are still prime. Complete the application form and select the mission deferment option. Audition materials will be sent to you to practice and record. Submit your audition materials. During auditions for the season you plan to return for, your audition will be reviewed and acceptance will be considered then. Current members will have an opportunity to indicate a desire for mission deferment at the end of their current season. Members that depart for a mission during the winter semester and are unable to take classes do not need to re-audition.

BYU Wind Symphony returns from performance at WASBE conference in South Korea

By Andrew Osborn August 23, 2024 01:37 PM
BYU Wind Symphony recently returned from a performance in Gwangju, South Korea, after being one of the ten bands invited to perform by WASBE.

Synthesis returns from tour in Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands

By Andrew Osborn July 12, 2024 01:47 PM
BYU Synthesis recently returned from the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany for their summer tour. Synthesis director Dr. Benjamin Nichols tells what the group learned while on tour.